Ever been asked, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?'
'What do you want to be when you grow up?' I bet, like me, you've been asked this question one or two times since you were small. And, if so, did it ever make you feel uncomfortable or shamefaced that you didn't know how to answer it?
Today, just over a week before our six-month Soul Gifts Programme starts (dates here - please scroll down the page), I'd like to share this charming TED talk by writer and artist Emilie Wapnick, which explores how we beat ourselves up about not having 'one true calling', ie. having too many passions and interests and not being able to decide on one.
But that, as I see it, is a function of any true spiritual path. As we do the inner work and our soul expands into more of its true glory, more of our innate spiritual gifts unfold... and we naturally want to express them!
Let's celebrate our uniqueness and our diversity! I hope you enjoy the talk.
P.S. Those interested in the Soul Gifts Programme (starts Jan 14), we've opened up five special-rate (£99 a month) places on the group programme to be snapped up this week. Please get in touch with any questions about this. Enjoy Emilie's talk!
Emilie Wapnick giving her TED talk