to 27 May

Spring 2025 Online Co-Counselling Training (now booking!)

This online co-counselling training, run by long-time CCI co-counselling teacher Tonya Christie (Tonya has been teaching co-counselling since she was 20), runs over 8 Thursday evenings (BST time zone) April and May 2025 and is open to participants anywhere in the world (though a good understanding of English is required). There will be other online elements, collaboration between sessions and course work required, to bring the training up to the required 40 hours.

Cost: £315 (£209 ‘refreshers’ and concessions /£84 trained ‘helpers’ (limited places on both). 15% discount (on non-concessionary price) if sign up before end of January 2025. Deposit required to confirm your place. Invite a friend to attend too under our Bring a Friend scheme and get the second place for half price (space permitting).

Helpers required to pay full fee up-front at time of booking. Many of our starter courses fill up ahead of time, so early booking advised. Those on our annual co-counselling facilitator programme will be able to attend as helpers for free (space-permitting).

Please note: Tonya will be running another online training ('Summer online co-counselling training') starting in June 2025 for those unable to make these dates!

Tuesday, 8 April, 2025 - 18:30 to 20:55

Tuesday, 15 April, 2025 - 18:30 to 20:55

Tuesday, 22 April, 2025 - 18:30 to 20:55

Tuesday, 29 April, 2025 - 18:30 to 20:55

Tuesday, 6 May, 2025 - 18:30 to 20:55

Tuesday, 13 May, 2025 - 18:30 to 20:55

Tuesday, 20 May, 2025 - 18:30 to 20:55

Tuesday, 27 May, 2025 - 18:30 to 20:55

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to 17 Jul

Good Life part 1 (international further skills training for cocos)

Have you been working on your patterns for what seems like a lifetime (and are you feeling somewhat frustrated that they still have a hold)? Would you like to find a way of working that would change these patterns once and for all?

This six-week further skills training (which ran for the first time as a pilot in 2024) is led by Tonya Christie and is for trained co-counsellors who would like to take their CoCo practice to a deeper level. There will be several new tools introduced to support you to get results.

Tonya has been teaching face-to-face Fundamentals for 30+ years (and has recently been teaching them online (and internationally) four times a year). She is probably the first person to teach CoCo online globally. She also trains CoCo teachers annually online and encourages the development of CoCo facilitators within peer learning teams.

She now wishes to offer something new to co-counsellors that will bring alive an emerging paradigm within the CoCo network and takes it into the transpersonal arena: a direction that CCI co-counselling founder John Heron envisaged might develop for experienced co-counsellors. The course may also be of interest to those who want to openly acknowledge the journey of the soul in their CoCo practice.

The training, which will run online and is open to co-counsellors internationally  will take the format of weekly online group sessions over six weeks in June and July 2025 (with an 'integration week' in the middle). There will be a second module of six weekly sessions (with a two-week integration break in the middle) in the autumn (November to December 2025).

There are limited places on this course (and it will only run if ten people sign up to take part). This will create an effective learning environment that has sustainable energy for growth and new learning.

Please contact Tonya at your earliest opportunity to register your interest. You will need to be a trained CCI co-counsellor to take part. There will be intro events to get involved in in the run-up to the course starting, so we would advise getting in touch with Tonya to express interest and you will then be informed of these.

You can also download a free copy of Tonya's 3 Keys to Next-Level CoCo e-guide here. https://www.littlewhitefeather.co.uk/3-keys-next-level-coco(link is external)
(Follow the process through and fill in your details and you will get all the latest news on the course, as it happens).

Looking forward  to hearing from you!

The timings below are all BST (British Summer Time).
Thursday, 5 June, 2025 - 18:30 to 21:00

Thursday, 12 June, 2025 - 18:30 to 21:00

Thursday, 19 June, 2025 - 18:30 to 21:00

Thursday, 3 July, 2025 - 18:30 to 21:00

Thursday, 10 July, 2025 - 18:30 to 21:00

Thursday, 17 July, 2025 - 18:30 to 21:00

The dates of the autumn training (part 2) will be as follows: evenings of Tuesdays November 6, 13, 20 and December 4, 11 & 18 2025 (same times as spring training, but UTC/GMT).

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to 15 Feb

Annual Co-Counselling Teacher Training 2025 (international and online)

Our co-co teacher training programme for 2025

This four-month annual course starts this year in July 2025, is led by Tonya and runs primarily online. It includes a two-day London retreat (which may also run online this year, depending upon how international the course is this year). The programme will tool you up to teach co-counselling confidently (in-person or online), wherever you are in the world, so that you can create a sustainable growth-business teaching something you love… something that is growing in demand in the character-forming times we’re living in!

In the first month of the training, we’re going to inspire you about what teaching co-counselling could be and do for you. We’ll walk you through several different models for your new business and teach you how to use various tools so that you can teach confidently both on and offline, to meet the demands of the time.

In the second month, we’ll cover the basic ingredients of a Fundamentals training and explore how you can make your natural facilitation style work for you and your group. We’ll also troubleshoot some of the situations that you could encounter when leading your groups, so that you can learn to navigate confidently around them.

‘I’d like to celebrate the fact that I’ve been involved in this amazing course. It’s been for me transformational. I’ve developed in so many ways that
I would not have even imagined!’

In the third month, we’ll move into the practicalities of sharing the tools of co-counselling: looking at the different business models and approaches. I will show you how you can live sustainably while teaching something you love (something that I have done now for over 30 years… I’m now one of the UK’s (and perhaps the world’s) most experienced teachers)!

We’ll also learn about managing assessment and accreditation and follow-up. And, following a two-day training retreat included as part of the programme (you’ll need to be able to attend this to get accredited), you’ll emerge confident, ready to set up your own Fundamentals - either on or offline.

You will also get the opportunity to assist on and help facilitate our own in-person Fundamentals trainings (where applicable), our online co-counselling programmes and further skills courses. You will get individualised feedback and validation of your facilitator skills and unique personal facilitation style over the course of the programme and after any courses in which you have co-facilitated or assisted.

P.S. There will be two webinars and a two-day facilitator Facebook Challenge in the run up to the programme starting. Please 'friend' Tonya @ Tonya Gabrielle Christie to get involved.

If you would like to talk to Tonya about any aspect of the programme, please email her at tonya@littlewhitefeather.co.uk to set up a time to talk (places limited at certain points during the year).

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to 2 Mar

Co-Counselling Training, London (weekends + 2 evening sessions online)

This co-counselling training, run by long-time CCI co-counselling teacher Tonya Christie, runs over four days at weekends (+ two evenings online) in December 2024 and January 2025.

Dates: Saturday January 18, Sunday January 19 (evening of February 6 & February 20, 2025 online on Zoom), March 1 and March 2 2025.

Costs: £315 for the full course (£209 'refreshers' and concessions (limited places); £84 trained 'helpers' (please contact Tonya asap to register interest)).

Please contact Tonya on 07919 00 6845 or at tonya@littlewhitefeather.co.uk to book or for further information. Tonya also runs four online trainings each year (also listed on this site) - next course Spring 2025 (starts April 2025).

Saturday, 18 January, 2025 - 10:30 to 16:00

Sunday, 19 January, 2025 - 10:30 to 16:00

Thursday, 6 February, 2025 - 18:30 to 21:00

Thursday, 20 February, 2025 - 18:30 to 21:00

Saturday, 1 March, 2025 - 10:30 to 16:30

Sunday, 2 March, 2025 - 10:30 to 16:30

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to 21 Mar

Autumn Online Co-Counselling Training

Tonya has been teaching this wonderful growth tool since she was 18 or 19 - and training others to teach it (now online and internationally) since she was 20. It is a toolkit that is growing in popularity in a world crying out for meaningful community and values of integrity, honesty, authenticity and openness.
You can find out more about co-counselling by clicking the Co-co and Fac. training tab on this website. To find out more about the Autumn Online Co-Counselling Training and sign up, click here. The course will fill early so please contact us sooner rather than later if you would like a place.

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7:00 pm19:00

Co-Counselling Teacher Training

Our annual co-counselling teacher training starts this year on July 11.

Please register your interest by filling in your details here for an initial chat with Tonya. This course is open to those who have completed a CCI Co-Counselling Fundamentals Training (our next course begin March 16, 2023 - see Events listing on this website). We would also recommend that you have asssted/ are assisting on one or two coco basic trainings before you join the course and that your coco skills are current. Please do think of joining as a refresher on one of our online courses if you would like to bring your skills up to date.

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7:00 pm19:00

Summer Online Co-Counselling Training

Tonya has been teaching this wonderful growth tool since she was 18 or 19 - and training others to teach it (now online and internationally) since she was 20. It is a toolkit that is growing in popularity in a world crying out for emotional literacy and awareness, meaningful community and values of integrity, honesty, authenticity and openness.

You can find out more about co-counselling by clicking the Co-co and Fac. training tab on this website. To find out more about the Summer training and sign up, click here. The course will fill early so please contact us sooner rather than later if you would like a place.

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6:30 pm18:30

Spring Online Co-Counselling Training

When you take a basic training in co-counselling you are acquiring a tool for life - and once trained, you need never fork out another penny to be able to use it gainfully your whole life long. And many have!
Tonya has been teaching this wonderful growth tool since she was 18 or 19 - and training others to teach it (now online and internationally) since she was 20. It is a toolkit that is growing in popularity in a world crying out for meaningful community and values of integrity, honesty, authenticity and openness.
You can find out more about co-counselling by clicking the Co-co and Fac. training tab on this website. To find out more about the Spring training and sign up, click here. The course will fill early so please contact us sooner rather than later if you would like a place.

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7:00 pm19:00

Soul Gifts Intensive Programme

Our annual Soul Gifts Programme is a six-month transformational course designed to develop future ‘leaders with soul’. It is geared to help you uncover your unique gifts so that you can express them more fully in your life and in the world.

In 2023, we’re running a new, 3-month-format Soul Gifts Programme, called the Soul Gifts Intensive Programme, starting January 26th, 2023. We’ll be looking at the unique issues that prevent you from grounding your spiritual gifts – and we’ll work on clearing them so that you can start to embody more of these gifts in your work and your relationships and live a life that feels more aligned with who you truly are.

You can find out more about the programme here. Please book a discovery session with Tonya if you would like to find out if the programme is a fit for you, here. One special-rate ticket available as at 17 January 2023.

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11:00 am11:00

Soul Gifts Intensive Programme

Are you an empath, an intuitive or a sensitive? Do you sometimes struggle to manifest your talents and bring them 'down to earth'? Do you sometimes feel you have a unique task or mission to fulfil?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then the Soul Gifts Programme may be for you.

Our six-month programme starts January each year. This year, due to popular demand, we have replaced it temporarily with our three-month Soul Gifts Intensive Programme, starting January 26.

If you’d like to talk to Tonya about joining the programme, 1-to-1 soul gifts coaching or a free soul gifts discovery session to see if the work is a fit for you, please register your interest here. Please mention the one remaining special-rate ticket when you speak to Tonya, if funding your place is an issue for you.

Find out more about the programme here.

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to 15 May

Soul Gifts Retreat, May 14-15, 2022

Life’s pretty character forming on planet Earth right now, isn’t it? And it’s easy, when the going gets tough, to resign ourselves and think, ‘Well, what can I do about it anyway?’ But it’s at challenging times like these that we need to dig a little deeper, lean into the pain, the loneliness, the frustration and find what’s hidden underneath.

Each of us has unlimited resources inside and unique gifts that the world needs. And this is the time, when life is challenging us, perhaps even at our darkest moment, that a trapdoor opens, and we find them!

The Soul Gifts Retreat is the jewel in the crown of our annual, six-month Soul Gifts Programme - and this year will run wholly online and will be open to the public (with an additional themed day for current Soul Gifts Programme participants on Thursday May 12).

Are you finding yourself thrown off kilter by current world events and feeling a shift in purpose and a potential change in life direction? The Soul Gifts Retreat may be just the thing for you.

Some benefits you can expect form the event:

  • Increased clarity of purpose

  • An acceleration of your unique path of ascension

  • An enhanced ability to shine your gifts in the world

  • Connection to a global network of like-hearted souls

  • To move into a greater sense of 5D consciousness and fulfilment

    Because it’s not about finding ways to patch up this aching world or put a plaster on the wound; it’s about finding our soul’s gifts and shining our light stronger despite the wound, despite our fear, despite our vulnerability. It is then that we come truly alive!

    Come experience the divine alchemy of the Soul Gifts Retreat! Spaces are lmited, so please express an interest iniitially by emailing Debbie at soulgiftstribe@gmail.com

    Timings over the weekend:

    Saturday May 14 2022

    15.00 - 19.00/ 19.30 BST

    Sunday May 15, 2022

    15.00 - 19.00/ 19.30 BST

  • There will be an additional, optional, online fire ceremony before lunch on the Sunday. Please arrive at 10.45 am BST for a prompt 11 am BST start.

    These timings are subject are offered as a general guideline only and are subject to change slightly up to the time of the event.

group without Marcus.jpg
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to 18 Nov

Shine Your Light! Programme 2021

Our six-week Soul Gifts ‘taster’ course, starting October 21, 2021

Have you always had a sense of a unique 'mission' to fulfil? Do you have a passion that fills your life with purpose, or a soul yearning that lights you up?

What’s blocking you, what’s stopping you from uncovering, feeling, expressing that thing?

This six-week transformational course is designed to help you uncover your soul’s unique gifts so that you can express them more fully in your life and in the world. We’ll be looking at the unique issues that prevent you from grounding your divine gifts – and we’ll work on clearing them so that you can start to embody more of these gifts in your work and your relationships and live a life that feels more aligned with who you truly are.

It is designed as a ‘starter’ programme towards the full, six-month annual Soul Gifts Programme (next course starts January 13, 2022).

Spaces limited to 25. Find out more about the Soul Gifts Programme here.


  • Regular group training calls on Zoom (Thursday evenings Oct 21 and Nov 4, 11 & 18). Dates subject to change up to end July 2021 (please check with us at time of booking).

  • Regular support on dedicated private Shine Your Light! Programme 2021 FB group.

  • Pow Wow Groups and buddy calls where we work together on group projects.

    Your investment for the six-week course:

    £495 (40% discount available until end July, 2021). Spaces strictly limited to ensure intimacy of group and maximum individual attention.

    Book a free breakthrough session with Tonya to see if the course will be a fit for you.
    You can also join our Soul Gifts community FB page here

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to 23 Sept

Online Co-Counselling Facilitator Training Programme 2021

This four-month annual course (this year starting May 2021 and running primarily online) will tool you up to teach co-counselling confidently, wherever you are in the world, so that you can create a thriving international growth-business teaching something you love… something that is growing in demand in the character-forming times we’re living in!

In the first month of the training, we’re going to inspire you about what teaching co-counselling could be and do for you. We’ll walk you through several different models for your new business and teach you how to use various tools so that you can teach confidently both on and offline, to meet the demands of the time.

In the second month, we’ll teach you the basic ingredients of a Fundamentals training and about making your facilitation style work for you and your group. We’ll also troubleshoot some of the situations that you could encounter when teaching, so that you can learn to navigate confidently around them.

‘I’d like to celebrate the fact that I’ve been involved in this amazing course. It’s been for me transformational. I’ve developed in so many ways that
I would not have even imagined!’

In the third month, we’ll move into the practicalities of teaching co-counselling: looking at the different business models and approaches. I will show you how you can make good money teaching something you love (something that I have done now for over 30 years… I’m now one of the UK’s most experienced teachers)!

We’ll also learn about managing assessment and accreditation and follow-up. And, following a four-day training retreat in London (or online if the ban on meeting in person has not been lifted), included as part of the programme (you’ll need to be able to attend this to get accredited), you’ll emerge confident, ready to set up your own Fundamentals - either on or offline - when you return home.

You will also get the opportunity to assist and co-facilitate on our own Fundamentals courses in London, our online co-counselling programmes and further skills courses. You will get individualised feedback and validation of your facilitator skills and unique personal facilitation style over the course of the programme and after any courses in which you have co-facilitated or assisted.

Find out more about the course here.
Get your free ebook, The 1st Step to Creating a Successful Business Teaching Something you Love here.
Book a free discovery session with Tonya to talk about joining the course here.

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3:00 pm15:00

Spring Online Co-Counselling Training

This online co-counselling training, run by long-time CCI co-counselling teacher Tonya Christie (Tonya has been teaching co-counselling since she was 20), runs over 8 Tuesday evenings May to July 2021 on Zoom. There will be other online elements, collaboration between sessions and course work required, to bring the training up to the required 40 hours.

Cost: £299 (£199 ‘refreshers’ and concessions /£80 trained ‘helpers’ - limited places on both). Deposit required to confirm your place.

Helpers required to pay full fee up-front at time of booking. Last course filled up ahead of time (maximum 18 spaces), so early booking advised. Those on our annual co-counselling facilitator programme (which will also continue online as required during the pandemic situation and this year starts May 13, 2021) will be able to attend free (space-permitting).

Event Dates Tuesday, 18 May, 2021 - 18:30 to 21:00Tuesday, 1 June, 2021 - 18:30 to 21:00Tuesday, 15 June, 2021 - 18:30 to 21:00Tuesday, 29 June, 2021 - 18:30 to 21:00Tuesday, 6 July, 2021 - 18:30 to 21:00Tuesday, 13 July, 2021 - 18:30 to 21:00Tuesday, 20 July, 2021 - 18:30 to 21:00Tuesday, 27 July, 2021 - 18:30 to 21:00

Please book your place by emailing Debs at cocoonline111@gmail.com or contact Tonya at tonya@littlewhitiefeather.co.uk

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Soul Gifts Programme 2021
to 19 Jun

Soul Gifts Programme 2021

This six-month transformational course is designed to help you uncover your soul’s unique gifts so that you can express them more fully in your life and in the world.

We’ll be looking at the unique issues that prevent you from grounding your divine gifts – and we’ll work on clearing them so that you can start to embody more of these gifts in your work and your relationships and live a life that feels more aligned with who you truly are.


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Big Shining Heart
to 19 Oct

Big Shining Heart

Do you feel overwhelmed and struggle to remain hopeful in the face of environmental breakdown and recent political events? 

In our annual Big Shining Heart workshop we’ll be leading you in a transformational process to uncover a space in you that feels solid and effective in spite of the whirl of changes and challenges we're all facing. We’ll tune in and re-connect with our true selves, so you can emerge from the weekend confident and ready to move forward in a way that’s authentic to you. 

Some benefits you can expect from the event:

  • Increased clarity of purpose

  • To accelerate your unique path of ascension

  • An enhanced ability to shine your gifts in the world

  • Connection to a network of like-hearted souls

  • To move into a greater sense of 5D consciousness

  • Increased self-love and self-acceptance

Fill in your details for further info or to claim your place

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Four-month International Co-Counselling Facilitator Programme
to 24 Sept

Four-month International Co-Counselling Facilitator Programme

Our four-month International Co-Counselling Facilitator Programme begins.

This four-month global course will tool you up to teach co-counselling confidently, wherever you are in the world, so that you can create a thriving international growth-business teaching something you love… something that is growing in demand in the character-forming times we’re living in!

The training is open to trained CCI co-counsellors from all over the world.

Runs May till September 2020.

You can find more information here.

Fill in your details here to find out whether the programme is a fit for you.

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Online Co-Counselling Training
to 28 Jul

Online Co-Counselling Training

Starts May 5 - 3 Spaces Left!

On this 40-hour certificated course you will be given a set of tools or 'interventions', which you can use while 'clienting' or offer as counsellor. Most people find it to also be a profound, moving and life-changing experience.

The training runs over 13 Tuesday evenings starting May 5, 2020, on Zoom and an exclusive and private Facebook group. Participants will also be expected to partner up and practise the skills between sessions (on the phone, Zoom, skype or What’s App). Cost: £299 (£199 ‘refreshers’/ concessions). Deposit required to confirm your place.

The next online training takes place in the autumn. We are enrolling now.
Click here.

Read Tonya’s associated eBook here. See also event listing here.

An in-person co-counselling training also runs twice annually in London (once the ban for meeting in groups lifts). Next training starts December 2020 (bookings now being taken). Please contact us at tonya@littlewhitefeather.co.uk

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3-day Soul Gifts Retreat
to 15 Mar

3-day Soul Gifts Retreat


The Soul Gifts Retreat will be held at The Miracles Room in Glastonbury. This will be the group's working space for the entire Soul Gifts Retreat weekend. Located above the Margaret Kimber shop (pictured above), the venue address is First Floor, The Glastonbury Experience Courtyard, 2-4 High Street, Glastonbury, BA6 9DU.

We will meet for our opening session at 5 pm GMT on Friday March 13, 2020. Please feel free to turn up from 4.30 pm and make your way to the kitchen, where a warm welcome and a cup of tea will await!

The group will meet again at The Miracles Room the next morning at 10 am for a prompt 10.30 am start and we expect to finish at around 4.30 pm on the Saturday so that you all have time to enjoy Glastonbury and get some good quality rest and integration time before our Sunday activities.

Sunday, we will again start around 10.30 am and will have our closing circle around 4.30 pm, so that we can all be on our way by 5.30 pm. A delicious vegan lunch will be provided both days. There will be the option of joining the rest of the group for an evening meal on the first night (Friday) at one of the excellent vegetarian/ vegan restaurants in the town. You will be expected to meet your own costs for this meal and all meals outside course hours. There will also be the option to join the group for an evening meal on the Saturday.

For those travelling in by car and wanting a place to park in the day, Silver Street car park is a good option (at £5 for 9 hours). There is also free parking on the high street for an hour Friday - Saturday and unlimited free parking there on a Sunday (but please double-check the signs where you choose to park). There is also free parking at Morrisons car park, a few minutes walk from the venue, but this is capped at three hours


Those attending this day, which is for Soul Gifts Programme participants only, will meet at 10.30 am for a prompt 11 am start at the same venue, Thursday 12th March.

Any practical/ logistical questions before then, please message Claire Bainbridge or email her at morgs48@hotmail.com and she will do her best to answer as soon as she can. Otherwise you can phone her on +44 07876 764111.

You might also find the following two mobile numbers handy on the day: Tonya on +44 07919 00 6845 or Heather on +44 07954 654974.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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Five-day Co-Counselling Training, London
to 16 Feb

Five-day Co-Counselling Training, London


Runs over four days at weekends starting May 2020. Cost: £299 (£199 ‘refreshers’/ concessions). Deposit required to confirm your place. Course runs Saturday & Sunday May 9 & 10 and continues Saturday and Sunday May 30 & 31, 2020. The rest of the training will run online on Zoom, on evenings of May 19 and 26. Limited concessionary places. Read Tonya’s associated eBook here.

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