What is co-counselling?
A tool for emotional resilience
In a society where we're encouraged from an early age to keep our feelings hidden and 'under control', our emotional and mental health can be sadly neglected. Co-counselling aims to redress that balance, providing an effective self-help method to manage the stresses of our everyday lives, to explore our feelings in a safe environment and better understand ourselves and those around us.
Co-counselling at its most basic is a method of working through the issues in your life with one other person: your co-counselling partner. After an agreed amount of time as 'client', you switch roles (you become the 'counsellor' and the 'counsellor' becomes the client) and reverse the process. Both counsellor and client are similarly trained, leading to a relationship of equals. The counsellor is not 'in control' of the process – refreshingly, it is the client that is in charge! As client you decide what you want to work on and how, which of the counsellor's suggestions to take up (and which to ignore) and what pace you want to work at.
Want to train as a co-counsellor?
On our certificated course (which I have been teaching since I was 19 or 20 and which is now available online four times a year, wherever you are in the world), you will be given a set of tools or 'interventions', which you can use while 'clienting' or offer as counsellor. Most people find it to also be a profound, moving and life-changing experience. We also run an in-person training once a year in London.
Facilitator Training
This annual four-month course will tool you up to teach co-counselling confidently, wherever you are in the world, so that you can create a thriving international growth-business teaching something you love…
A skill for Life!
Co-counselling can become a lifelong self-maintenance programme, a means of maintaining mental and emotional equilibrium and discovering new and wonderful things about the amazing person that is YOU! Here are some recent testimonials about the course:
’Thank God I’ve found something that works!’
’Your course has given me confidence and hope that I can be a better person.’
’Thanks for creating and facilitating that safe place for me to learn and grow.’
’I feel a positive shift in how I’m feeling and clearer about who I am.’
’What an amazing five days! I wish I could grow like that every week!’
‘You are bringing lifechanging awareness to people, and helping people build their futures.’
Book a discovery session with Tonya here to talk about joining our next training.