Join us for next week’s flagship event… wherever you are in the world!

Life has changed quite a lot in the past year, hasn't it? And though there's much that's happening that feels laden with control - and simply doesn't sit right - at another level there seems to be a necessary 'crumbling' taking place that has to happen in order to birth the new. Part of this seems to be that many of us are now coming alive to much-needed changes in direction, with new careers and vocations coming online for us.

At our annual Soul Gifts Retreat next week  - we’ll be exploring how many 3D structures will need to crumble for a new, balanced, harmonious, 5D way of life to be birthed on this planet. And how now is the time for those of us who feel we have a mission to fulfil - whether large or small – to start to take steps – however little - to living the purpose that we know we were born to fulfil. Because this world needs it!

So, whether you yearn to start up a local art group for those with disabilities or you have a dream to create a zero-waste superstore, we'd like to welcome you there! If you’re able to get Zoom access from 5pm BST next Friday  - and would like to be part of an inspired, international group exploring how you can shine your light more fully In this world – with the effect of increased confidence, passion and fulfilment in your life - get in touch! We’re offering a couple of places to those on our mailing list at a very special rate (just £99) in order to make up the numbers!

Also, find out more about our annual six-month Soul Gifts Programme - and meet some of those on this year's programme and on our six-week Soul Gifts taster programme, Shine Your Light! - at the event!

Fill in your details here or email (or Debs at if it's after next Tuesday).

Looking forward to welcoming you!

P.S. The pic is of Indi and Heather, two of the wonderful souls on our first Soul Gifts Retreat in Glastonbury a few years ago.
