Are you a co-counsellor wanting to take your skills to the next level?

People sometimes ask me why I 'still teach co-counselling', with all the other workshops I offer, which are more of an overtly 'spiritual' bent (our annual six-month Soul Gifts Programme, for example, starts in December and our three-day Soul Gifts Retreat takes place in Glastonbury, in the UK, in March 2020).

They assume that, having 'done a lot of work on themselves' in the past - and considering themselves a way along on their personal evolutionary path - that learning co-counselling may be somehow 'too basic' for them. I often challenge this way of thinking.

One reason why I still teach co-counselling, after all these years - and will probably continue to do so for years to come - is because it encourages us to the places in ourselves where we can truly grow.

For me, something that characterises true spiritual evolution is that we do not ignore any aspect of our selves - leave no stone unturned in uncovering the truth of our beings. Part of this, for me, means going to the places, emotionally, that are painful for us. For me, that's the only way we will uncover the shining truth of our authentic beings (after all, 'the only way out is through').

The co-counsellor's toolkit contains some powerful tools for doing this. I've had some great 'mirrors' over the years in the people in my life - some of them quite close to me - who have chosen to ignore the 'nitty-gritty' of the emotional in their commitment to preserve a 'love and light' state of mind - and in doing so, have never actually done the spiritual spadework needed to facilitate the shifts inside that create true spiritual expansion and lasting change.

I also see those that learn the skills of co-counselling experiencing a greater sense of freedom in their lives and an increasing ability to bring more of their authentic selves to the table. It's also a powerful tool for helping people shift 'into the new paradigm' - the 5D world of community, connection, co-creation, flow and ease that many of us feel is emerging all around us. Despite all that's clearly happening in the contrary! What do you think?

Like to become a co-counsellor? Our trainings run twice yearly in London - next one starts December. We also train co-counsellors to teach co-counselling. Trained co-coers can join our annual facilitator training programme starting in May 2020. Get in touch is you're interested - there’s 40% discount till end December (and 43% discount if you sign up by end November). Click here for the free eBook, The First Step to Earn a Living teaching what you love. Or get yourself a free Facilitator breakthrough session with Tonya to talk about it - and feel a new positive direction in your life - here!
