Co-counsellors: Sharpen up your skills from your sofa!

early morning candle

early morning candle

Doors closing on Early Bird rate for first Online Refresher Programme!Wanting to get back into co-counselling, but lost confidence in your skills? Ready to commit to a refresher course, but haven’t been able to find one nearby? Look no further, as now – regardless of where you are in the world – you can refresh your skills without even leaving your sitting room.With our Online Refresher (starting October 5th), you’ll get a regular online class (Thursday evenings), daily support on our dedicated Facebook group and free entry to a live, two-day co-counselling event in London where you can meet course participants and other members of the worldwide co-counselling community (a small contribution is asked for this event if you are attending the course at our concessionary rate).

You’ll get a range of benefits not found in our in-person Refresher, including new tools for building your co-co practice – and creating a ‘safe space’ – online; tools for creating community and a new module on the growing role of co-counselling and peer support in our society – Co-Counselling: A Tool for our Times.The usual price for this 3-month programme will be £349 a month, but we’re offering it at an introductory rate of £199 a month ($256 US; €215) this year. Sign up by September 15th and you’ll get £100 off the course fee. And if you pay in full on booking (by September 15th) and you get another £100 off. There’s also a further 10% off for the first five people who book. Places are limited, so if you’re interested in taking part, please contact us without delay (and please let us know if you would like to claim one of the strictly limited concessionary places on this programme).

Tonya (who will be leading the programme and has been teaching co-counselling since she was 20) has opened up a number of slots in her calendar in the next few weeks to help co-counsellors decide whether it is a fit for them. Please email or message us to schedule in a 10-minute chat. Or send a request to join our new, dedicated Facebook group, where we’ll be giving away a free space on the programme every month till the course begins.

And if you’re interested to know about our new online co-counselling training (starting later this year) or our Facilitator training, starting in the spring (both with a live event included as part of the programme), just mention it in the call!
