What's your soul food?
A friend of mine confided in me recently that he was working too hard, feeling run down and eating unhealthily - but because he was overdoing things, didn't feel he had the energy to make the necessary lifestyle changes. He was also facing a difficult life decision, but didn't feel able to give this the energy it merited for the same reason.The thing that distressed him most however, above all these other things, was
that he felt he had nothing in his life to 'feed his soul'. Somehow he felt that if he did, then everything else would start to right itself.It got me thinking. I'm sure many of us experience days where we're lacking in inspiration or feel somehow empty, but do we take time to consider what truly nourishes us? And if not, would it serve us to find out?When we feel spiritually full-to-the-brim we're not only more resourceful, but we're happier and more energetic too. Infact, I'd take it a step further than that. I'd say that when we do the things we love, the things that 'make our heart sing'... we come 'on song' (from an energetic point of view, all our energy centres come 'online' and our subtle energy field fills with vital energy). Not only do we feel better, but others feel better in our presence too. And, interestingly, things often start to fall into place in our lives too (it's like things are 'unblocked' on some level).Here are just some of the things that do this for me. Going for a walk in a place of natural beauty first thing (taking my shoes off and walking barefoot if I can); listening to music that touches me deeply and allowing myself to truly feel all the emotions it instils in me; doing 'free dance' - letting my body move the way it really feels to move, whether on my own or at a Five Rhythms or Nia class. And singing my heart out, again, in a group or on my own (when cooking, hoovering or having a shower is normal for me) is another surefire way to 'plug into the mains'.What's your soul food? I'd love to know!If singing is also one of the things that nourishes you, come join us for our monthly Soup and Singing event (next session runs Wed April 15th, in Woking). See Events page for details.