Making the ordinary magical
I have a friend for whom everything she touches turns to gold. Not like King Midas - remember how everything he brushed up against, including his daughter in some versions of the tale, became solid gold and he could no longer use or interact with it? In fact, quite the opposite. My friend has this way of transforming the ordinary - plastics left on the beach, odd socks, stuffing from old pillows... into something truly magical. The ultimate modern-day alchemist!Mostly she 'repurposes' plastic and waste she has found and turns it into something beautiful. And I mean really beautiful. The butterfly mobile in this picture is made from bubble wrap and, like many of her creations, was made to raise awareness of the plastics in the sea ('if we don't stop the plastic from getting into our waterways,' she says, 'plastic is all we are going to see in the sea').My friend has just started a blog about the project (see below). And if I have anything to do with it, she will be exhibiting some of her creations at Eastgate Court in Guildford (home of Transition Guildford and the current venue of many little white feather events) later in the year. Watch this space!Rachael's art is a lovely example of what I see as the 'higher dimensional' art that a lot of us are finding ourselves creating these days. It is so different from creating out of the space of the 'tortured artist' of old; it's like all we need to do is learn to 'follow the flow' and creating becomes effortless because we are co-creating entirely with the divine. It's awesome! At least this is my perception of what's going on. What do you think? I'd be very open to discussing this on the forum below.If this subject matter interests you can visit Rachael's blog here. I would also recommend getting hold of a copy of the independent film Plastic Shores - a powerful wake-up call on what's happening in our seas and oceans today.