Day 8: 21-day conscious cleanseLike home-sprouting seeds - one other topic that we'll cover on the 21-day conscious cleanse, juicing fruits and vegetables is one sure-fire way to fill yourself with zing. It's always good to do a bit of research on whether the juicer you're using extracts the levels of juice from your item of choice, with minimum waste. The trick with juicing is to allow enough time to assemble the juicer and soak or wash the bits afterwards. It can be quite fiddly - and if you leave your juicer unwashed, even for an hour or so, it can be doubly hard to clean - and may put you off juicing again!I include some of my favourite juices below.... but half of the fun of juicing is experimentation! One thing to bear in mind when preparing your own juices, however, is that due to their respective acid and alkaline natures, fruits and vegetables can have a tendency to 'fight' in the stomach, so I tend to mix fruit and vegetables in my juices with care. Apples and carrots, however, are exceptions - you can pretty much mix them with anything (and they'll also taste good with almost everything).I like to start the day with the Kiwi, apple and ginger 'zinger', below, as, with all those zesty flavours, it can get the day started with a punch:Kiwi, apple and ginger zinger2 ripe kiwi fruit1 apple1 slice of root gingerAnd these two are good when I'm in need of a mid-afternoon lift:Carrot, apple and celery energiser2 carrots1 apple1 stalk of celeryApple and lettuce refresher1 large green apple2 stalks celery8-10 lettuce leaves